It is natural during these times to feel overwhelmed and discouraged by the magnitude of change needed in our country and fearful of the days ahead. But there are reasons for hope. Last week, we saw the power and heroism of those who fought to keep our institutions safe among the chaos, and the local leaders in Georgia who stood up to ensure that people’s voices were heard and our elections were free and fair.


We know the path to change does not come easy. At Lifelong, we work every day to remove barriers to health with relentless compassion so that no one faces illness and injustice alone.

As an important part of that work to improve health equity, we have signed onto a letter, spearheaded by Washington Black Lives Matter Alliance, urging Governor Jay Inslee to issue an executive order to declare racism as a public health crisis in Washington State.

While the larger cultural conversation around anti-racism feels new to many, communities of color have been engaged in this work for much longer, and we are honored to add our voice to support Black-led efforts in this work in recognition of their endeavors and expertise.

We believe the current movement and the future of Washington State requires bold action, including identifying and addressing internal policies and procedures with an anti-racism lens, putting people first by openly engaging with communities that are impacted directly, and investing in public health as a top priority. An Executive Order sets the path for urgent action involving all state sectors.

As an organization that was founded in the HIV crisis, we have a unique lens on how systemic racism impacts our community. Black and Latinx people living with HIV go without treatment at disproportionately greater rates than their white peers.

It takes all of us working together and supporting each other to achieve the changes we know we need. We will continue to fight for everyone to have an equal opportunity for their best health, and always will. Thank you for your partnership and support of this life-changing work.

In solidarity,

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Claire Neal
Lifelong CEO