Supporting marginalized communities from the AIDS epidemic to the COVID-19 pandemic

As a physician, I have seen first-hand how epidemics disproportionately affect people from already marginalized communities. I was at the frontline of the AIDS epidemic, working alongside organizations like Lifelong to provide essential and basic services, like food, housing, and case management.

Now, decades later, my patients are still fighting for those same basic needs, while also struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, behavioral health and substance abuse issues, dental care, and more.

At risk populations, including those that are immune compromised, like some of my HIV patients, still have trouble getting insurance, access to healthcare and testing, and services at their homes for those that must stay isolated. Receiving services at home, especially food, like Lifelong’s food and nutrition program, Chicken Soup Brigade, is necessary during a pandemic for those whose health is most at risk to remain socially distant.

When I was asked to join the Board four years ago, I jumped at the chance to give back to an organization that helped provide my patients with the wraparound care that traditional healthcare organizations just don’t have the resources or skills to provide.

COVID-19 has put a magnifying glass on the issue that community health directly impacts our individual health and our loved ones.

Poor care for anyone affects us all.

By opening doors to equitable health programs in partnership with Lifelong, you can make a meaningful impact on the patients I see every day and our entire community.

Mike Myint
Lifelong Board Member & Physician