Focusing Resources on AAPI Mental Health

At Lifelong, we believe in health for all. 

We must continue to acknowledge and learn from the historic and ongoing systemic injustices faced by Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) in the United States, while honoring their immeasurable contributions. As the fastest growing racial group in the U.S., they represent an emerging and priority community with unique health challenges and needs.

We will continue to listen and learn from marginalized communities so that we can reduce health inequities one person at a time. 

Lifelong shirt health for all

Increasing awareness + access

Did you know that AAPI is the only race where suicide is the leading cause of death among  young adults age 15-24

With May as both Mental Health Awareness month as well as AAPI Heritage Month, we wanted to shine a light on the mental health issues facing our AAPI community today. 

According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, AAPIs have the lowest rate for seeking mental help of any racial and ethnic minority group. Furthermore, only 23.3% of AAPI adults with a mental illness received treatment. *  

While there are cultural factors, including stigma and language, contributing to this prevalence, we know that health systems have been plagued in contributing to worse health outcomes for communities of color. For this reason, Lifelong will continue to fight for a more equitable health system where the social determinants are no longer a barrier, but a pathway to care. 

Back to basics 

How do we help move these statistics in the right direction? For now, it’s back to basics. 

The theme for May of 2022’s Mental Health Awareness Month was “Back to Basics.” This means that the overall goal, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is to provide “foundational knowledge about mental health… and information about what people can do if their mental health is a cause for concern.” 

By bringing culturally tailored awareness to the basics of what people can do to support their own mental health, we’re able to learn the signs that someone may be struggling and pair those we love with resources they need. 

Dismantling obstacles limiting the healthiest life 

Our wraparound care model supports the whole person by breaking down barriers and improving access to nutritious food, stable housing, and vital health resources for people living with diabetes, HIV, kidney disease, and other life-challenging illnesses. Our community support network fills the gaps in broken systems and ensures that everyone has an equitable opportunity to thrive. 

Committed to helping in May and beyond 

Everyone deserves the chance to live their healthiest life, but that vision is out of reach for far too many people. This May and always, we are focused on removing barriers to health with relentless compassion so that no one faces illness and injustice alone.

Looking for additional resources or ways to help? Contact us. 

*Based on 2019 data